3/27 11:00~12:00 AM
Tectonic divisions and structural architecture of Southern Graulites of India: Gondwana correlations
Dr. Durga Prasanna Mohanty (Pune University, India)
4/24 10:00~11:00 AM
Central China Orogenic Belt and Amalgamation of East Asian Continents
Prof. Yunpeng Dong (Northwest University, China)
5/5 15:30~16:30 PM
Significance of type-locality eclogites in Eastern Alps (a lot of news!)
Academician, Prof. Franz Neubauer (University of Salzburg, Austria)
5/15 10:00~11:00 AM
Fluid-induced high-temperature metasomatism in granulite terranes
Prof. Toshiaki Tsunogae (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
5/29 10:00~11:00 AM
Director, Dr. Apsorn Sardsud ( Department of Mineral Resources, Thailand)
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