
*College students are welcome to participate*[111-1 Seminar] Weekly Speech 1110

Meeting (Dept. Geomatics, Jin-Way lecture theater)

Weekly Speech

Topic: Senior Sister Returns to Her Mother's Home-BenQ Materials Engineer Career Sharing
Location:Dept. Geomatics, Jin-Way lecture theater
Time : 2022/11/17 15:10-17:00 (Master and doctoral seminar)

Want to know the way out for the Ministry of Resources?
What is the job content and salary of an engineer?
High salary must = sell liver?
How can we improve our abilities before entering the workplace?
Let a senior engineer from BenQ Materials who graduated from Chengda University's School of Resources explain your doubts on the spot!

College students are welcome to participate!
Draw multiple 100 yuan participation lottery tickets on the spot,
Anyone who participates in this talk can enjoy the qualification to smoke AirPods Pro ! !