學金辦法及申請表格 (連結下載) | Quota | Amount | Applicant Qualifications (詳閱辦法) | Application Period (Mainly based on announcements) | Remark |
Lu Tai-Hua Team Spirit Award | Each team is limited to apply twice per academic year. | 1. Intra-school competitions ⁕ 1st place: Award the team NTD 3000~5000 ⁕ 2nd place: Award the team NTD 2000~4000 ⁕ 3rd place: Award the team NTD 1000~3000 2. Inter-school competitions ⁕ 1st place: Award the team NTD 4000~6000 ⁕ 2nd place: Award the team NTD 3000~5000 第三名:頒贈該隊獎金2000-4000元 | Teams participating in intra- and inter-school competitions with more than 5 members. | 上學期12/1~12/15 下學期6/1~6/14 | 由呂泰華先生捐款中編列預算至108學年度實施。 |
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