
About the Foundation

Open Letter to a Friend


Dear friends:

Since the establishment of the Department of Mining and Metallurgy of National Cheng Kung University, due to the leadership of successive deans, the efforts of teachers and students of the whole department, and the support of the whole system, the Department of Mining and Metallurgy has made great progress and development in hardware construction in the past 40 years.

  In 1963, the Department of Mining and Petroleum Engineering and the Department of Metallurgy and Materials were expanded. In 1980, in order to meet the needs of social development, the Department of Mining and Petroleum Engineering was renamed the Department of Resource Engineering. The Institute of Engineering and the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering further develop the Department of Raw Materials Mining and Metallurgy. In recent years, it has actively strengthened the construction of teaching staff, enriched library equipment, planned to expand the school, and beautified the environment of colleges and departments. It is expected to become an institution of higher learning with a strong academic atmosphere and excellent research on learning environment and technical education resources. As it turns out, the department has achieved considerable academic success. With the quality of faculty research work and the funding of educational cooperation programs that each professor receives, all departments of Quancheng University are on campus. Above average.

  Today, the Department of Resource Engineering lives up to the leadership of its predecessors in mining and metallurgy. It not only actively inherits the fine tradition of the original mining and metallurgy system, but also looks forward to developing a grand pattern, and shoulders the important task of cultivating resources and scientific and technological talents for the society.

  The funding for the National University has been budgeted by the government in recent years, so it should be quite abundant and not afraid of shortages. In fact, according to the current policies implemented by the education authorities, in the future public universities, in addition to the school's normal funds still being co-ordinated by the state, other special development funds (about one-fifth of the total school funds) will depend on each school's develop. Features and school achievements at their own expense. Therefore, all departments are actively raising development funds. At present, the school has departments of mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, water conservancy, business administration, architecture and other departments. Cultural and Educational Foundation. Under the active advocacy and support of the former faculty and staff, in order to cooperate with the vigorous development of the department, it is planned to establish the "Consortium Legal Person Chengda Mining and Metallurgical Resources Science, Education, Culture and Education Foundation" in 1983 to establish a board of directors and complete the legal person registration.

  The purpose of establishing the Culture and Education Foundation is to assist the academic development of mining and metallurgical resources science and technology, set up advanced seminars, strive for excellent teachers, enrich books and teaching equipment, strengthen scientific research and teaching, promote academic exchanges and educational cooperation, and provide scholarships. Improve the academic level and establish the scientific and technological characteristics of mining and metallurgical resources. To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the founding of Matriarch, we have launched a fundraiser. It is expected to take half a year. All my friends and people from all walks of life are actively involved in giving and fundraising. With your support, the foundation will flourish and contribute to the development of mining and metallurgical resources science and technology education.

Best wish
Good health and successful career!

NCKU Mining and Metallurgy Resource Science, Technology, Culture and Education Foundation
Initiators: Lin Chongbiao, Zhuo Zuntian, Wang Wenyu, Longcun Ni, Lin Zhiyi, Luo Ruixing, Zheng Binghuang, Shi Hanzhang, Xu Fuci, Zhang Fangze, Yan Fuji, Guo Zhengci, Zheng Nanji, Lin Xianzhen, Li Yixiong, Weng Lintingbin, Chen Siming, Zhuang Yingfa, Chen Yizhen, Lin Hongyuan, Chen Jiarong, Weng Zuxin, Yao Zhenhui, Ke Zhenhui, Lin Yanshan

Create a space for mining and smelting technology activities


  "Mining and metallurgy" has always been the mother of industry and the foundation of a country's economic construction. In the early days of our society, mining not only coexisted with industry, commerce, agriculture, and fishing, but was also a leader in industry. In the 1950s, Taiwan's economic construction took off. It does play an absolutely important role, and even in many Western countries today, mines still occupy a very important place.

  Due to the lack of mineral resources in Taiwan, the self-produced mining industry has gradually shrunk in recent years, and the proportion of pure self-produced mining development technology in economic construction has continued to decline.

  However, with Taiwan's economy taking root today, the output of basic minerals required for overall economic construction is increasing, and most of them rely on the import of overseas resources and minerals.

  Overseas resource and mineral security strategy, supply and demand strategy, mining and metallurgical economic development and regional planning, mining and metallurgy environmental protection, value-added mineral smelting and processing, recycling of mineral resources, etc., the development of production, production and sales of second-generation mining and metallurgical resources has become a The foundation of the overall industrial development in the future, that is, technical achievements such as high-rise basement and underground MRT excavation, tunnel construction and large-scale transportation that can be seen everywhere today, are also extensions of some mine development technologies.

  "Mining and Metallurgy" veterans are immortal and will continue to grow. Traditional resource technologies will be reborn and developed in resource-owning countries. In countries that lack resources and must utilize overseas resources, in the future, they must strengthen themselves, cross national borders, and continue to promote traditional and second-generation technologies. Production, production and sales of mining and metallurgical resources technology.

  As the highest mining and metallurgical institution in China, the future development of Chengda's maternal line of mining and metallurgy will continue to flourish, and there is a long way to go to cultivate tomorrow's "mining and metallurgical people".

NCKU Mining and Metallurgy Resource Science, Technology, Culture and Education Foundation
Lin Chongbiao, the first chairman

NCKU Mining and Metallurgy Resource Science, Technology, Culture and Education Foundation



The departmental meeting of the Department of Resource Engineering promoted the establishment of the Cultural and Educational Foundation.



The 40th anniversary general meeting passed the proposal to establish the foundation.



Communicate with seniors in grades 46-67 and friends from the department to determine the name and charter of the foundation, and ask senior Lin Chongbiao to serve as the convener.



The total amount of the fund has reached the target of 5 million yuan, and the preparatory work for the founding conference has begun.



The foundation founding meeting, preparatory meeting and the first meeting of the first board of directors were held, and the first board of directors and chairman were elected.



The Taiwan Provincial Government Department of Education approved the establishment of a foundation (Letter No. 14420, 8 Three Teachings and Five Characters)



The departmental affairs meeting of the Department of Resource Engineering is set up in the department through the basic venue to assist in the execution of meeting affairs.



Tainan District Court Announcement (Nanyuan County Minfa Deng Zi No. 053711 Letter).



Taiwan Daily published the announcement of the legal person registration certificate.



Obtained the legal person certificate (registration number 018, page 016, 000274).



Obtain the unified number of the withholding unit of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation.



Tainan Post Office to apply for a postal savings account number 31246268.



Obtain a certificate of exemption from withholding income tax on interest (South District Guoshui Nanshi Zi Zi No. 83023057).



Xingwen Provincial Government Department of Education for reference (Letter No. 083001 dated October 7, 1983).



The total capital increased to 6 million yuan.



The total amount of funds increased to 6.7 million yuan.



The total amount of funds increased to 8 million yuan.



The total funding increased to 8.5 million yuan.

Consortium legal person Chengda mining and metallurgy resources science and technology culture and education

Foundation Charter

Article 1: This consortium is organized and established in accordance with the Consortium Law, Civil Law and other relevant laws and regulations, and its name is "Chengda Mining and Metallurgical Resources Science, Education, Culture and Education Foundation" (hereinafter referred to as the "Consortium").
Article 2 The purpose of this association is to cultivate talents in mining and metallurgy resource technology engineering and management. Based on this, it will help the academic development of mining and metallurgical resources science and technology. Handle the following business in accordance with relevant laws and regulations:
1. Handle the operation, promotion and connection of the alumni association of the Department of Resource Engineering (Institute) of Cheng Kung University.
2. Sponsor the Department of Resource Engineering (Institute) of Chenggong University to host academic exchanges, R&D cooperation and student gatherings at home and abroad (including cross-strait).
3. Organize academic seminars and publications.
4. Provide scholarships.
5. Fund or donate the addition, improvement and restoration of the teaching software, hardware and academic research environment of the Department of Resource Engineering (Institute) of Chengdu University.
6. Other public welfare education affairs in line with the establishment purpose of the Association.
Article 3 The total amount of funds established by the Association is NT$5 million, and the Preparatory Committee of the Association is responsible for fundraising. After the Association completes the registration of the legal person consortium according to law, movable and immovable properties can be donated by Chengda Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department and people from all walks of life at any time.
Article 4 The head office of the Association is located in the Department of Resource Engineering, College of Engineering, Chenggong University, Tainan City, and can set up branches at home and abroad according to business needs and with the approval of the State Council. Ministry of Education.
Article 5 The Association shall set up a board of directors for management. The powers of the board of directors are as follows:
1. Raise funds and manage and use assets.
2. Develop and advance a work plan.
3. Formulation and management of internal institutions.
4. Handling of awards and aid cases and formulation of relevant measures.
5. Approval of annual budget and final accounts.
6. Reelection and dismissal of directors.
7. Election and removal of the chairman.
8. Proposed changes to the donation charter.
9. Proposal to dispose of real estate or create encumbrances.
10. Proposed Merger.
11. Proposals or resolutions on other matters specified in the donation charter.
Article 6: The board of directors of the association consists of 21 directors. The first term of directors shall be elected by the original donors, and the second term of directors shall be elected by the previous board of directors. Directors are unpaid.
At least a quarter of the directors of the association are teachers of the Department of Resource Engineering, and the current director of the Department of Resource Engineering is an ex officio director. More than one-fifth of the total number of directors shall have professional knowledge or work experience relevant to the purpose of establishment.
The number of directors of the Association who are spouses or relatives within the third degree shall not exceed one-third of the total number of directors
Article 7: The term of office of the directors of the association is three years, and they may be re-elected, but the re-elected directors shall not exceed four-fifths of the total number of directors re-elected. If a director is vacant for some reason during their term of office, the board of directors may appoint another appropriate person to fill the original term. One month before the expiration of the term of each director, the board of directors shall convene a meeting to appoint the next director. The new and old directors shall be handed over as scheduled.
Article 8 The association has one chairman and one vice-chairman, who are elected by all the directors. The term of office of the chairman is three years and may be re-elected once. The chairman is the chairman of the board of directors internally and represents the association externally. If the chairman requests leave, is unable to exercise his power for any reason, or cannot exercise his power according to law, the chairman shall designate a director to act on his behalf; if the chairman fails to designate or cannot designate an agent, the director shall recommend one person to act as the representative.
The board of directors is convened by the chairman and meets at least once every six months. Directors shall attend the meeting in person. If unable to attend, other directors may be entrusted in writing to attend.
The number of directors entrusted in the preceding paragraph shall be limited to one person, and the number of directors shall not exceed one third of the total number of directors.
If the chairman fails to convene a meeting in accordance with the regulations, the chairman shall convene the meeting within ten days after receiving the request after more than one-third of the current directors have submitted in writing the purpose of thea meeting and the reasons for convening the meeting. If the notice is not to be convened by the expiry date, the requesting director may report to the Ministry of Education for permission to convene the meeting on his own.
Article 9 The board meeting shall be convened and acted as the chairman by the chairman, and more than half of the directors shall attend the meeting. Voting on resolutions must be approved by more than half of the directors present. However, resolutions on the following major issues must be attended by more than two-thirds of the directors, approved by more than half of the directors present, and approved by the Ministry of Education:
1. Proposed amendments to the articles of association of the company.
2. The use of funds.
3. Fill the gap with funds.
4. The disposal of real estate or the setting of burdens.
5. Appointment and removal of directors.
6. Other matters designated by the Ministry of Education.
Resolutions on merger matters shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 34 of the Persons Law.
For the proposals in the first two paragraphs, the agenda shall be notified to all directors and the Ministry of Education ten days before the meeting.
Interim motions can be filed.
Article 10 The board of directors shall have a secretary-general, and the secretary-general shall be concurrently held by teachers from the Department of Resource Engineering. By order of the chairman, other secretaries or accountants may be assigned to handle the affairs of the meeting.
Article 11 The Association takes January 1st to December 31st each year as its business accounting year, and handles the following matters in accordance with the content and time limit stipulated by the Ministry of Education:
1. Within one month after the beginning of the year, approve the work plan and budget for this year, and upload it to the Information Network of the Consortium Education Foundation for future reference. A risk assessment report should be attached if the work plan and budget involve high-risk countries or regions for money laundering or capital terrorism.
2. Within five months after the end of the year, review the work report and financial statements of the previous year, and upload them to the Information Network of the Educational Foundation of Consortium for reference.
Article 12 The Association will use the fruits of donation and various income after establishment registration to handle the business that conforms to the purpose of establishment and the donation charter.
The custody and use of the property of the Association is carried out in the name of a legal person and is supervised by the Ministry of Education; its funds shall not be entrusted or borrowed from directors, other individuals or non-financial institutions.
The methods of keeping and using the property specified in the preceding paragraph are as follows:
1. Depository financial institutions.
2. Purchase public bonds, treasury bills, central bank savings certificates, financial bonds, and transferable bank time deposits
Bills of exchange, banker's acceptances, and commercial papers issued by banks or bill financing companies.
3. Purchase of movable and immovable properties required for business activities.
4. Based on the principle of safety and reliability, purchase publicly issued guaranteed corporate bonds and fixed-income beneficiary certificates issued by domestic securities investment trust companies.
5. Purchase stocks within 5% of the total property of the legal person of the consortium, and the shareholding ratio of a single company shall not exceed 5% of the company's capital.
Article 13 Changes to the establishment permit of the Association must be approved by the Council. It should be reported to the Ministry of Education for approval within 30 days from the date of the change, and reported to the competent court for change within 15 days from the date of approval. When registering, within 15 days after obtaining the renewal of the legal person registration certificate, a copy of the registration certificate should be sent to the Ministry of Education and the tax authority where the headquarters of the Association is located for reference.
Article 14 If the Association is dissolved by a resolution of the board of directors in accordance with the donation charter, approved, revoked or abolished by the Ministry of Education, or declared dissolved by the court, the dissolution and liquidation termination registration shall be carried out. It shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of civil law and non-litigation law.
The residual property after the liquidation in the preceding paragraph does not belong to a natural person or a for-profit organization, but should belong to the local autonomous organization where the headquarters of the association is located.
Article 15 This Articles of Association was formulated on December 26, 1982. If there are any unresolved matters, they shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the Legal Person Law, the Civil Law and other relevant laws and regulations.
Article 16 The Articles of Association are reviewed and approved by the board of directors, reported to the Ministry of Education for approval, and implemented after being registered by a court with jurisdiction; the same applies to amendments.

NCKU Mining and Metallurgy Resource Science, Technology, Culture and Education Foundation
Initiators: Lin Chongbiao, Zhuo Zuntian, Wang Wenyu, Longcun Ni, Lin Zhiyi, Luo Ruixing, Zheng Binghuang, Shi Hanzhang, Xu Fuci, Zhang Fangze, Yan Fuji, Guo Zhengci, Zheng Nanji, Lin Xianzhen, Li Yixiong, Weng Lintingbin, Chen Siming, Zhuang Yingfa, Chen Yizhen, Lin Hongyuan, Chen Jiarong, Weng Zuxin, Yao Zhenhui, Ke Zhenhui, Lin Yanshan