泰華講堂專題演講 多尺度地下水溶質傳輸的耦合理論 SPEECH, Mining and Metallurgy Foundation Announcement / By spacecraft 泰華講堂專題演講 資源工程學系暨研究所2022/02/24【大專討公告】
Resource People Newsletter Issue 013 Mining and Metallurgy Foundation Announcement, Newsletter / By spacecraft Resource People Newsletter Issue 013
Lu Tai-Hua Team Spirit Award Mining and Metallurgy Foundation Announcement / By spacecraft 呂泰華團體精神獎,12/30截止
11/11(四)傑出系友頒獎典禮暨茶會 Mining and Metallurgy Foundation Announcement / By spacecraft 11/11(四)傑出系友頒獎典禮暨茶會於系中庭14:30舉行,敬邀全體師生共襄盛舉
賀本系95級吳庭安榮獲本校優秀青年校友 Mining and Metallurgy Foundation Announcement / By spacecraft 賀本系95級吳庭安榮獲本校優秀青年校友
Resource People Newsletter Issue 012 Mining and Metallurgy Foundation Announcement, Newsletter / By spacecraft Resource People Newsletter Issue 012
財團法人成大礦冶資源科技文教基金會臉書粉絲專頁 Mining and Metallurgy Foundation Announcement / By spacecraft 財團法人成大礦冶資源科技文教基金會臉書粉絲專頁
Resource People Newsletter Issue 011 Mining and Metallurgy Foundation Announcement, Newsletter / By spacecraft Resource People Newsletter Issue 011
Lu Tai-Hua Team Spirit Award SCHOLARSHIP NEWS, Mining and Metallurgy Foundation Announcement, NEWS / By spacecraft 呂泰華團體精神獎,即日起至6/18止
Resource People Newsletter Issue 010 Mining and Metallurgy Foundation Announcement, Newsletter / By spacecraft Resource People Newsletter Issue 010