







Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc. 






















材料力學 (大二)
地質資源開發與保育原理 (大碩合開)
地質統計學 (研究所)
序率地下水文學 (研究所)


若要查看該老師的近五年研究計畫與學術期刊論文,請點擊下方 Research NCKU 按鈕前往查看 ↓



1. 運用資料融合技術增進水文地質模型精準度之研究(2/3) 2021-2022
2. 「110年度地層下陷防治專案」計畫-地層下陷成因檢討與防治策略規劃 2021
3. 場址水文地質調查數據之不確定性分析及精度提升研究 2020-2021
4. 運用資料融合技術增進水文地質模型精準度之研究(1/3) 2010-2021
5. 「109年度地層下陷防治專案」計畫-水井抽水時空分布特性探討 2010
6. 臺俄(RU)雙邊協議型擴充加值(add-on) 國際合作研究計畫-評估核廢料,處置的不確定性和工程屏障系統的可靠性以及核電廠於正常和緊急情況下的環境安全 2020-2022
7. 使用複合域熱水力耦合探討井系統完整性之研究 2019-2020
8. 地熱發電整合推動與技術研發計畫(1/3):地熱水抽注影響範圍案例研究 2019
9. 使用卡爾曼濾波融合軟性資料增進地下水流模式精準度之研究 2018-2019
10. 單井同軸地熱井取熱模擬 2019
11. 地熱水抽注影響範圍研究計畫 2018
12. 非典型污染傳輸之不確定性分析研究 2017-2018
13. 地下水庫活化與永續營運 2016-2019
14. 複雜孔隙介質中水力耦合理論、數值模式與實驗方法之整合研究 2016-2017
15. 嘉義縣民雄頭橋工業區污染補充調查與行政措施研擬計畫:水文地質模式建置與分析研究 2016-2017



  • Refereed Paper (* corresponding author)
  1. Chen, S.-Y., K.-C. Hsu*, and C.-L. Wang, 2022, Impact of time-varying cement degradation on the borehole cement sheath integrity in a supercritical CO2 environment, International Journal of Geomechanics. (Accepted).
  2. Cheng, S.-Y., and K.-C. Hsu*, January, 2021. Bayesian integration using resistivity and lithology for improving estimation of hydraulic conductivity. Water Resources Research, 57, 2020WR027346.
  3. Wang, S.-J., J.-Y. Chen, and K.-C. Hsu*, May, 2021, Investigation of Cross-Interactions of Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical Model Using Stochastic Simulations, Computers and Geotechnics, 133, 104020.
  4. Chen, S.-Y., K.-C. Hsu*, C.-M. Fan, March, 2021, Improvement of Generalized Finite Difference Method for Stochastic Subsurface Flow Modeling, Journal of Computational Physics, 429, 110002.
  5. Chen, S.-Y., B.-Z. Hsieh, K.-C. Hsu*, Y.-F. Chang, J.-W. Liu, K.-C. Fan, L.-W. Chiang, and Y.-L. Han, January, 2021, Well spacing of the doublet at the Huangtsuishan geothermal site, Taiwan, Geothermics, 89, 101968.
  6. Wang, B.-T., V. Grigorev, H.-W. Tseng, R. G. Dzhamalov, N. L. Frolova, P.-S. Yu and K.-C. Hsu*, March, 2020, The responses of precipitation and streamflow to recent climate variations in the frigid and subtropical zones, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 11(1), 54-73.
  7. Wang, B.-T., C.-P. Lee, M.-C. Wu, T.-L. Tsai, S.-C. Tsai, K.-C. Hsu, Jan., 2019, Novel method for analyzing transport parameters in through-diffusion tests, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 196, 125–132.
  8. Tsai, M.-S. and K-C. Hsu*, November, 2018, Identifying poromechanism and spatially varying parameters of aquifer compaction in Choushui River alluvial fan, Taiwan, Engineering Geology, 245, 20-32.
  9. Wang, S.-J.*, K.-C. Hsu, C.-L. Wang, W.-C. Lai, and L.-T. Hsu, September, 2017, Evaluation of Hydraulic Properties of Aquitards Using Earthquake-Triggered Groundwater Variation, Groundwater, 55(5), 747-756.
  10. Wang, S. J., K.-C. Hsu, and C.-H. Lee, 2015, A Fusion Model Used in Subsidence Prediction in Taiwan, Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (PIAHS), Special Issue: Prevention and mitigation of natural and anthropogenic hazards due to land subsidence, 372, 463–469.
  11. Yeh, J. T.-C., D.-Q. Mao, Y.-Y. Zha, J.-C. Wen, L. Wan, K.-C. Hsu, C.-H. Lee, 2015, Uniqueness, scale, and resolution issues in groundwater model parameter identification, Water Science and Engineering, 8(3): 175-194.
  12. Wang, S.-J.*, K.-C. Hsu, W.-C. Lai, and C.-L. Wang, 2015, Estimating the extent of stress influence by using earthquake triggering groundwater level variations in Taiwan, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 111, 373-383, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.06.030.
  13. Yeh H. F., H. I. Lin, C. H. Lee, K. C. Hsu, and C. S. Wu, 2015, Identifying Seasonal Groundwater Recharge Using Environmental Stable Isotopes. In: Guest Editor by Dr. Trevor Elliot, Environmental tracers, Printed Edition of Special Issue Published in Water, MDPI AG – Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, Switzerland.
  14. Lin, P.-L., K.-C. Hsu*, C.-W. Lin, and H.-H. Hwung, March, 2015, Modeling compaction of multi-layer-aquifer system due to groundwater withdrawal, Engineering Geology, 187, 143-155.
  15. Wang, S.-J.*, C.-H. Lee, J.-W. Chen, and K.-C. Hsu, 2015, Combining Gray System and Poroelastic Models to Investigate Subsidence Problem in Tainan, Taiwan, Environmental Earth Sciences, 73, 7237-7253, doi: 10.1007/s12665-014-3902-5.
  16. Wang, S.-J., C.-H. Lee and K.-C. Hsu* , 2015, A Technique for Quantifying Groundwater Pumping and Land Subsidence Using a Nonlinear Stochastic Poroelastic Model, Environmental Earth Sciences, 73 (12), 8111-8124.
  17. Yeh H. F.*, H. I. Lin, C. S. Wu, K. C. Hsu, J. W. Lee, and C. H. Lee, 2015, Electrical resistivity tomography for groundwater aquifer in downstream of the Chih-Ben Creek basin, Taiwan, Environmental Earth Sciences 73, 4681–4687.
  18. Wang, S. J., Hsu, K. C., Lai, W. C. & Wang, C. L., December, 2014, Estimating the extent of stress influence by using earthquake triggering groundwater level variations in Taiwan, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 111, p. 373-383.
  19. Yeh H. F., H. I. Lin, C. H. Lee*, K. C. Hsu, and C. S. Wu, 2014, Identifying seasonal groundwater recharge using environmental stable isotopes, Water, 6:2849-2861. doi:10.3390/w6102849.
  20. Yeh H. F., H. I. Lin, S. T. Lee, M. H. Chang, K. C. Hsu and C. H. Lee, April, 2014, GIS and SBF for estimating groundwater recharge of a mountainous basin in Wu River watershed, Taiwan, Journal of Earth System Science 123, pp.503-516.
  21. Yeh, T.-C., D. Mao, Y. Zha, K.-C. Hsu, C.-H. Lee, J.-C. Wen, W. Lu, and J. Yang, March/April 2014, Why Hydraulic Tomography Works? Groundwater, 52 (2), 168–172.
  22. Wang, S.-J., and K.-C. Hsu*, August, 2013, Dynamic Interactions of Groundwater Flow and Soil Deformation in Randomly Heterogeneous Porous Media, Journal of Hydrology, 499, 50-60.
  23. Hsu, K.-C., S.-J. Wang, C.-L.Wang, August 2013, Estimating poromechanical Properties using a nonlinear poroelastic model, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 139(8), 1396-1401.
  24. Yeh, T. C. J., Lee, C. H., Hsu, K. C. & Tan, Y. C., March, 2013, Fusion of Active and Passive Hydrologic and Geophysical Tomographic Surveys: The Future of Subsurface Characterization, Subsurface Hydrology: Data Integration for Properties and Processes. Wiley, p. 109-120.
  25. Mao, D., Yeh, T. C. J., Wan, L., Lee, C. H., Hsu, K. C., Wen, J. C. & Lu, W., February, 2013, Cross-correlation analysis and information content of observed heads during pumping in unconfined aquifers, Water Resources Research. 49, 2, p. 713-731.
  26. Mao, D., T.-C. J. Yeh, L. Wan, K.-C. Hsu, C.-H. Lee, J.-C. Wen, Feb. 2013, Necessary conditions for inverse modeling of flow through variably saturated porous media, Advances in Water Resources, 52, 50-61.
  27. Mao, D., Yeh, T. C. J., Wan, L., Wen, J. C., Lu, W., Lee, C. H. & Hsu, K. C., April, 2013, Joint interpretation of sequential pumping tests in unconfined aquifers, Water Resources Research. 49, 4, 1782-1796.
  28. Huang, C.-C., H.-F. Yeh, H.-I. Lin, S.-T. Lee, K.-C. Hsu, C.-H. Lee, January 2013, Groundwater recharge and exploitative potential zone mapping using GIS and GOD techniques, Environ Earth Sci., DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-1737-5.
  29. Chen, C.-T.and K.-C, Hsu*, September 2012, Use of falling-head infiltration to estimate hydraulic conductivity at various depths, Soil Science, 177(9), 543-553.
  30. Dzhamalov R. G., Frolova N. L., Krichevets G.N., Safronova T.I., Stanovova A. V., C.-H. Wang, K.-C. Hsu, 2012. Changes in the climate-related conditions of water resources formation in monsoon climate regions. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, , in press.
  31. Dzhamalov R. G., Stanovova A.V., Frolova N.L., Krichevets G.N., C.-H. Wang, K.-C. Hsu, F.-S. Chiu, C.-H. Lee, M.-C. Wu, 2012. Current Monsoon Conditions of River Runoff and Groundwater Formation in West Pacific Regions: Kamchatka Peninsula and Taiwan Island, Water Resources, 39(5), 610-621.
  32. Hsu, K.-C.*; H.-F., Yeh, Y.-C. Chen, C.-H. Lee, C.-H. Wang, F.-S. Chiou, May, 2012, Basin-scale groundwater response to precipitation variation and anthropogenic pumping in Chih-Ben watershed, Taiwan, Hydrogeology Journal, 20(3), 499-517, DOI: 10.1007/s10040-012-0835-51273, Heidelberg, Germany.
  33. Mao, D., W. Li, T.-C. Yeh,C.-H. Lee, K.-C. Hsu, J.-C. Wen, and W. Lu, May 2011, A Revisit of Drawdown Behavior During Pumping in Unconfined Aquifers, Water Resources Research, 47, W05502, doi:10.1029/2010WR009326, Washington, DC USA.
  34. Yeh, H.-F., C.-H. Lee, K.-C. Hsu, Jan 2011, Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes for the characteristics of groundwater recharge: a case study from the Chih-Pen Creek basin, Taiwan, Environmental Earth Sciences, 62(2), 393-402.
  35. Hsu, K.-C.* and K.-C. Chen, October 2010, Multiscale Flow and Transport Model in Three-Dimensional Fractal Porous Media, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 24(7), 1053-1065, New York, USA.
  36. Hsu, K.-C.* and S.-T. Li, February 2010, Clustering Spatial-Temporal Precipitation Data Using Wavelet Transform and Self-Organizing Map Neural Network, Advances in Water Resources, 33(2), 190-200, doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2009.11.005, Kidlington, United Kingdom.
  37. Lai, W-C, K.-C. Hsu, C.-L. Shieh, Y.-P. Lee, K.-C. Chung, N. Koizumi, and N. Matsumoto, April 2010, Evaluation of the effects of ground shaking and static volumetric strain change on earthquake-related groundwater level changes in Taiwan, Earth, Planets and Space, 62(4),391-400.
  38. Wang, S.-J. and K.-C. Hsu*, September 2009, Dynamics of Deformation and Water Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media and its Impact on Soil Properties, Hydrological Processes, 23, 3569-3582, doi: 10.1002/hyp.7458. Chichester, United Kingdom (SCI).
  39. Wang, S.-J. and K.-C. Hsu*, May 2009, The application of the first-order second-moment method to analyze poroelastic problems in heterogeneous porous media, Journal of Hydrology, 369, 209-221, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.02.049, Kidlington, United Kingdom. (SCI).
  40. Yeh, T. J., J. Xiang, R. M. Suribhatla, K. Hsu, C. Lee, and J. Wen, May 2009, River stage tomography: A new approach for characterizing groundwater basins, Water Resources Research, 45, W05409, doi:10.1029/2008WR007233 Washington, DC USA.
  41. Yeh, H. F., C.-H. Lee, K.-C. Hsu, P.-H. Chang, and C. H. Wang, 2009, Using stable isotopes for assessing the hydrological characteristics and sources of groundwater recharge, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management, 19(4), 185-191.
  42. Xiang, J., T.-C. J. Yeh, C.-H. Lee, K.-C. Hsu, and J.-C. Wen, February 2009, A simultaneous successive linear estimator and a guide for hydraulic tomography analysis, Water Resources Research, 45, W02432, doi:10.1029/2008WR007180, Washington, DC USA.
  43. Yeh, H. F., C.-H. Lee, K.-C. Hsu, P.-H. Chang, July 2009, GIS for the Assessment of the Groundwater Recharge Potential Zone, Environmental Geology, 58(1), 185-195, doi:10.1007/s00254-008-1504-9.
  44. Yang, C.-Y., K.-C. Hsu*, K.-C. Chen, July 2009, The use of Levy-stable distribution for geophysical data analysis, Hydrogeology Journal, 17(5), 1265-1273, doi: 10.1007/s10040-008-0411-1, Heidelberg, Germany.
  45. Xiang, J., Yeh, T. C. J., Lee, C. H., Hsu, K. C. & Wen, J. C., February 2009, A simultaneous successive linear estimator and a guide for hydraulic tomography analysis, Water Resources Research. 45, 2, W02432.
  46. Hao, Y., T.-C. Yeh, J. Xiang, W. A. Illman, K. Ando, K.-C. Hsu, C.-H. Lee, March 2008, Hydraulic tomography for detecting fracture zone connectivity, Ground Water, 46(2), 183-192, New York. (SCI).
  47. Chen, K.-C., and K.-C. Hsu*, June 2008, Stochastic analysis of groundwater flow in a two-dimensional generalized fractal field, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 31 (4), 551-563, Taipei, Taiwan.
  48. Yeh, T. C., C.-H. Lee, K.-C. Hsu, W. A. Illman, W. Barrash, X. Cai, X., J. Daniels, E. Sudicky, L. Wan, G. Li, and C. L. Winter, March 2008, A View Towards the Future of Subsurface Characterization: CAT Scanning Groundwater Basins, Water Resources Research, 44, W03301, doi:10.1029/2007WR006375, 2008.
  49. Yeh, T.-C. J., C.-H. Lee, K.-C. Hsu and J.-C. Wen, June 2008, Fusion of hydrologic and geophysical tomographic surveys, Geosciences Journal, 12(2), 159-167, 2008.
  50. Yeh, H. F., P. H. Chang, J. W. Chen, K. C. Hsu, and C. H. Lee, 2007, Assessment of the groundwater potential zone using GIS techniques in Chihben creek basin, Taiwan, Journal of China University of Geosciences, Vol. 18, special issue, p.52, Peiking.
  51. Yeh, T.-C., C.-H. Lee, K.-C. Hsu, and Y.-C. Tan, 2007, Fusion of active and passive hydrologic and geophysical tomographic surveys: the future of subsurface characterization, Subsurface Hydrology: Data Integration for Properties and Processes, Geophysical Monograph Series 171, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC USA.
  52. Chen, K.-C. and K.-C. Hsu*, December 2007, A general fractal model of flow and solute transport in randomly heterogeneous porous media, Water Resources Research, 43, W12501, doi:10.1029/2007WR005934, Washington, DC USA.
  53. Hsu, K.-C.*, C.-H. Wang, K.-C. Chen, C.-T. Chen and K.-W. Ma, August 2007, Climate-induced hydrologicalimpacts on the groundwater system of the Pingtung Plain, Taiwan, Hydrogeology Journal, 15 (5), 903-913, Heidelberg, Germany.
  54. Hsu, K.-C.* and C.-C. Tung, June 2005, On estimating the earthquake-induced changes in hydrogeological properties of the Choshuishi Alluvial Fan, Taiwan, Hydrogeology Journal, 13(3), 467-480, Heidelberg, Germany.
  55. Hsu, K.-C.*, 2004, Non-ergodic effects on solute transport in randomly heterogeneous porous media, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, 14(4), 217-225, Taipei.
  56. Hsu, K.-C.*, July 2004, Flow and solute transport in strongly heterogeneous porous media, Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, ASCE, 8(3), 148-154, Reston, USA.
  57. Chen G.-Z., K.-C. Hsu* and C.-H. Lee, August 2003, Probabilistic assessment of contamination using the two-phase flow model, Waste Management & Research, 21, 367-376, United Kingdom.
  58. Hsu, K.-C.*, August 2003, The influence of the log-conductivity autocovariance structure on macrodispersion coefficients, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 65, 65-77, Kidlington, United Kingdom.
  59. Hsu, K.-C.*, May 2003, Analytical expression for macrodispersion coefficients in three-dimensional randomly heterogeneous porous media, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 26(3),375-380, Taipei, Taiwan.
  60. Hsu, K.-C.*, March 2002, Travel-distance-dependent macrodispersion for solute transport in two-dimensional randomly heterogeneous porous media, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 25(2), 217-222, Taipei, Taiwan.
  61. Hsu, K.-C.*, 2000, General first-order expressions for solute transport in two- and three-dimensional randomly heterogeneous porous media, Geological Society of America Special Paper 348, 91-104, Boulder, USA.
  62. Hsu, K.-C.* and G. L. Lamb, January 2000, On the second-order correction to velocity covariance for two-dimensional statistically isotropic porous media, Water Resources Research, 36(1), 349-353, Washington, DC USA.
  63. Hsu, K.-C.*, July 1999, A general method for obtaining first-order velocity covariance in heterogeneous porous media, Water Resources Research, 35(7), 2273-2277, Washington, DC USA.
  64. Stephens, D. B., K.-C. Hsu, M. D. Ankeny, M. A. Prieksat, T. L. Roth, J. A. Kelsey, and J. R. Whitworth, June 1998, A comparison of estimated and calculated effective porosity. Hydrogeology Journal, 6, 156-165, Heidelberg, Germany.
  65. Hsu, K.-C. and S.P. Neuman, April 1997, Second-order expressions for velocity moments in two- and three-dimensional statistically anisotropic media. Water Resources Research 33(4), 625-637, Washington, DC USA.
  66. Hsu, K.-C., D. Zhang, and S. P. Neuman, 1996, Higher-order effects on flow and transport in randomly heterogeneous porous media, in Advances in Ground Water Pollution Control and Remediation, edited by M. M. Aral, Kluwer Academic Pub., Dordrecht, 75-96, 1996.
  67. Hsu, K.-C., D. Zhang, and S. P. Neuman, March 1996, Higher-order effects on flow and transport in randomly heterogeneous porous media, Water Resources Research, 32(3), 571-582, Washington, DC USA .


  • 中文學術文章 (* corresponding author)
  1. 徐國錦*、林政偉,December, 2021, 地層下陷成因與防治,48(6),68-74。
  2. 汪柏岑、李傳斌、蔡翠玲、蔡世欽、李亦賢、徐國錦, 2019,以迭代解析解法推估放射性核種於膨潤土之傳輸係數研究,鑛冶,63(4), 7-19。
  3. 陳易暄、 汪柏岑、 徐國錦,March, 2019, 二氧化碳封存之有效性評估與洩漏模擬-以永和山場址為例,臺灣鑛業,71(1),12-22。
  4. 郭凡煒、汪柏岑、徐國錦*、Roald G. Dzhamalov, 2018,台灣地表與地下水極端事件發生頻率之變化研究,台灣水利,66(4),85-99。(108年學術論文獎)
  5. 蔡明修、徐國錦*,2017 (March),濁水溪沖積扇孔隙力學特性之研究─以箔子站為例,農業工程學報,63(1),3-12。
  6. 羅偉誠、徐國錦,2016,水與生活安全,科學發展,520,10-14。
  7. 林宏奕、王士榮、葉信富、徐國錦、李振誥*、黃智昭、張閔翔,2014,台灣中段山區地下水資源開發潛能與可開發潛能量評估,西太平洋地質科學,14,77-100。
  8. 王士榮、李馨慈、林宏奕、徐國錦、張閔翔、黃智昭、李振誥*,2014,立霧溪與花蓮溪流域地下水資源量評估,農業工程學報,60(4),20-33。
  9. 王士榮、葉信富、林政偉、侯伊浩、曾榮松、徐國錦、李振誥*,2014,鳥嘴潭人工湖供水對彰化地區地下水與地層下陷之影響,台灣水利,62(3),8-23。
  10. 林政偉、黃煌煇、陳建銘、徐國錦、王士榮,March 2014,雲林高鐵沿線地區地下水位模擬與改善方案分析,台灣水利,62(1),1-17。
  11. 王士榮、徐國錦、王建力、許良賜、賴文基,March 2014,使用地震引致地下水位變化推估阻水層水力特性,台灣水利,62(1),84-95。(104年學術論文獎)
  12. 潘彥銘、邱豐聖、賴文基、徐國錦*, 2014,地下水位變動對地震方位之敏感性分析,西太平洋地質科學,14,52-75。
  13. 徐國錦*、李振誥、丁崇峰、林政偉, 2014,雲林地區公共給水抽取地下水與地層下陷成因研究,地工技術,139(3) ,49-58。
  14. 王士榮、林宏奕、李馨慈、徐國錦、黃智昭、張閔翔、李振誥*,2013,烏溪流域山區之地下水資源開發評估,農業工程學報,59(3),71-84。
  15. 蔡文瀚、張志瑋、王士榮、林政偉、徐國錦*,2013,地下水井混層抽水之出水量分析,台灣水利,61(1),75-85。
  16. 林宏奕、葉信富、徐國錦、李振誥, 2012,臺東地區知本溫泉資源潛勢評估之研究,台灣鑛業,64(4),10-18。
  17. 王士榮、李馨慈、林宏奕、徐國錦、張閔翔、黃智昭、李振誥, 2012,大甲溪流域中上游地區地下水出水量評估,農業工程學報,58(4)。
  18. 王士榮、徐國錦, 2012,以共變異函數探討抽水作用引起之倒轉現象,農業工程學報,58(3),80-92。
  19. 王士榮、陳忠偉、李振誥、徐國錦, 2012,台南地區在氣候變遷下之地層下陷災害潛勢與衝擊分析,台灣水利,60(2),42-53。
  20. 王士榮、王建力、徐國錦、葉書泓、溫紹炳, 2012,石門水庫淤泥受壓之流動性試驗與採礦法開挖淤泥之初步評估,台灣鑛業,64(2),26-36.
  21. 陳建泰、徐國錦*,June 2012,利用連續落水頭入滲推估不同深度之土壤水力傳導係數之研究,農業工程學報, 58(2), 1-12, 台北.
  22. 王士榮、林宏奕、李馨慈、徐國錦、李振誥、黃智昭、張閔翔, 2012,應用三維數值模式評估濁水溪中游山區地下水安全出水量,農業工程學報,58(1),1-12,台北.
  23. 王士榮、陳忠偉、徐國錦、李振誥,2011,結合灰系統模式與非線性孔彈性模式進行台南地區地層下陷量之推估,台灣水利,59(4),17-29,台北.
  24. 王士榮、徐國錦*、李振誥、陳忠偉,2011,非線性序率孔彈性模式應用於抽水量與地層下陷量推估,台灣水利, 59(4),47-59,台北.
  25. 番成正、徐國錦、李振誥、陳忠偉, 2011, 應用逐步高斯模擬法與模擬退火法重現水文地質場之研究,農業工程學報, 57(3), 75-87, 台北.
  26. 林宏奕、葉信富、李欣慈、徐國錦、李振誥, 2011, 應用遙感探測與地理資訊系統劃分台灣中段山區(濁水溪中游)地下水潛勢補注與開發潛能區,台灣水利, 59(3), 25-40, 台北.
  27. 張志瑋、徐國錦*,June 2011, 孔彈性理論應用於水土資源保育監測可行性之探討,台灣水利, 59(2), 87-97, 台北.
  28. 王士榮、徐國錦*、王建力,March 2011,非線性孔彈性模式應用在壓密試驗之水力與彈性參數推估,台灣水利, 59(1), 60-72, 台北.
  29. 陳佑誠、葉信富、徐國錦*、李振誥,March 2010, 氣候變異下流域地下水資源合理使用之研究, 台灣水利,58(1), 10-23, 台北.
  30. 徐國錦*、蔡英傑、汪中和,December 2009, 應用穩定同位素18O資料於水力傳導係數推求之研究, 台灣水利,57(4), 74-86, 台北.
  31. 王士榮、徐國錦*,June 2009, 變形效應對土體位移與水力特性之影響及其不確定分析,台灣水利, 57(2), 83-101, 台北.
  32. 葉信富、徐國錦、李振誥,張伯勳,汪中和,March 2009, 由同位素特徵探討流域水文變化與補注來源, 台灣水利, 57(1), 13-22, 台北.
  33. 王士榮、徐國錦*,September 2008, 應用序率孔彈性理論探討地層下陷之行為,土木水利工程學刊,第二十卷,第三期, 357–371, 台北.
  34. 陳建泰、廖俊明、徐國錦*,December 2008, 應用序率方法推估台北盆地補注量之研究,台灣水利, 56(4), 89-100, 台北.
  35. 葉信富,張伯勳,徐國錦,李振誥, June 2008, 應用地理資訊系統評估流域地下水補注潛能區之研究, 台灣水利, 56(2), 14-24, 台北.
  36. 葉信富、李振誥、徐國錦、陳建泰、張伯勳、陳文政、蔡道賜,2008, 知本溪流域水文及環境地質調查評估,鑛冶,52(1), 120-129, 台北。
  37. 李振誥、徐國錦, 2007, 地下水補注評估與管理措施,工程,80(6),80-99,台北.
  38. 楊哲一,陳冠志,徐國錦*, 2006, Levy-stable統計分佈是否存在於自然環境資料?─以濁水溪沖積扇地球物理井測資料為例, 中國科技發展經典文庫, 第五輯, 北京, 2006.
  39. 王士榮, 徐國錦*, 王建力, 賴文基, 李友平, June 2006, 使用地震引致之地下水位異常變化推估應力異常區, 氣象學報46卷第3期,1-17, 台北.
  40. 許良賜,徐國錦*,王建力,March 2006,濁水溪沖積扇阻水層水力特性之研究, 台灣水利, 54(1), 77-86, 台北.
  41. 黃冠穎,徐國錦*,2006, 小波理論應用於雨量變化之分析,礦冶,50(3),104-113, 台北.
  42. 楊哲一,陳冠志,徐國錦*, December 2004, Levy-stable統計分佈是否存在於自然環境資料?─以濁水溪沖積扇地球物理井測資料為例, 台灣水利, 52(4), 69-78, 台北.
  43. 董志秋,徐國錦*, December 2003, 集集地震引致濁水溪沖積扇水文性質改變之研究, 台灣水利, 51(4), 79-88, 台北.
  44. 董志秋,徐國錦*, 2003, 利用碎形分析探討集集地震對地下水文系統影響之研究, 鑛冶, 47(2), 152-161, 台北.
  45. 陳冠志,徐國錦*,March 2003, 坡地水流對崩塌影響之研究, 中華水土保持學報, 34(1), 41-54, 台中.
